Streamlining Development with Git and Github

Git with Github is probably the most widely used version control systems across enterprises, all throughtout the world. As a developer, I have had my far share of working with Git throughout my career. In this post, I will be listing some practices and configurations that have helped me improve my productivity with Git. Branch Protection Rules As a person who has prefers Trunk Based Development, my concern when setting up a multi-user code repository will usually be how I could prevent accidental force pushes, deletions, how other teams should make changes to my code and how it should be accepted, etc....

April 7, 2023 · 3 min

A dummy's encounter with Domain Driven Design

As a software developer, I had vaguely heard of the term “Domain Driven Design” thrown around in my office circle, but I never completely understood what exactly it is. In my quest to figure out what it was, I uncovered a video on YouTube by Eric Evans, who also basically came up with this concept in one of his books. This post is my attempt to list my takeaways from this video and my opinions on Domain Driven Design in general....

February 26, 2023 · 3 min